Professor Dirk De Ridder


Founder of BRAI3N (Brain Research consortium for Advanced, International, Innovative & Interdisciplinary Neuromodulation).

His main interest is the understanding and treatment of phantom perceptions (sound, pain) and addiction, especially by use of functional imaging navigated non-invasive (TMS, tDCS, tACS, tRNS, LORETA neurofeedback) and invasive (implants) neuromodulation techniques. He has developed “burst” and “noise” stimulation as novel stimulation designs for implants, and is working on other stimulation designs.

He has published 37 book chapters, co-edited the Textbook of Tinnitus, and has authored or co-authored 318 papers of which 294 are pubmed listed papers. 100 papers deal with phantom sound perception. He is reviewer for more than 103 journals. De Ridder has also given 471 lectures around the world, of which 322 were invited, and 25 were keynote. De Ridder collaborates with 42 different national and international research groups.

Academic CV